Action | Windows | macOS |
Create new project | Control + P | Command + P |
New app instance | Control + N | Command + N |
Open existing document | Control + O | Command + O |
Save document | Control + S | Command + S |
Save document as | Control + Shift + S | Command + Shift + S |
Import document | Control + I | Command + I |
Export document | Control + E | Command + E |
Action | Windows | macOS |
Zoom In / Out | Mouse scroll wheel | |
Switch to Pan tool | Hold spacebar / Mouse scroll wheel button | |
Show context menu | Mouse right click | |
Fit to view | Control + 0 | Command + 0 |
Fit to selection | Control + 9 | Command + 9 |
Fit to element | Control + 8 | Command + 8 |
Show/Hide ruller | Control + R | Command + R |
Show/Hide guides | Control + ; | Command + ; |
Lock/Unlock guides | Control + Alt + ; | Command + Option + ; |
Show/Hide grid | Control + ' | Command + ' |
Show/Hide front grid | Control + Alt + ' | Command + Option + ' |
Enable/Disable snaping | Shift + S | Shift + S |
Enable/Disable snap to guides | Control + Shift + ; | Command + Shift + ; |
Enable/Disable snap to grid | Control + Shift + / | Command + Shift + / |
Enable/Disable snap to points | Control + Shift + . | Command + Shift + . |
Undo last action | Control + Z | Command + Z |
Redo last action | Control + Shift + Z | Command + Shift + Z |
Action | Windows | macOS |
Copy | Control + C | Command + C |
Cut | Control + X | Command + X |
Paste | Control + V | Command + V |
Duplicate | Control + D | Command + D |
Select all | Control + A | Command + A |
Deselect all | Control + Shift + A | Command + Shift + A |
Lock or unlock | Control + L | Command + L |
Hide or show | Control + , | Command + , |
Group | Control + G | Command + G |
Ungroup | Control + Shift + G | Command + Shift + G |
Create clip path | Control + M | Command + M |
Create clip mask | Control + Alt + M | Command + Option + M |
Draw inside | Control + Shift + M | Command + Shift + M |
Bring forward | Control + ] | Command + ] |
Bring to front | Control + Shift + ] | Command + Shift + ] |
Send backward | Control + [ | Command + [ |
Send to back | Control + Shift + [ | Command + Shift + [ |
Delete | Del | Backspace |
Switch between Fill and Stroke | X | X |
Swap Fill and Stroke | Shift + X | Shift + X |
Enter isolation context mode | Enter | Enter |
Exit isolation context mode | Esc | Esc |
Back one level in context stack | Shift + Esc | Shift + Esc |
Action | Windows | macOS |
Selection tool | V | V |
Node tool | A | A |
Pen tool | P | P |
Rectangle tool | R | R |
Ellipse tool | E | E |
Polygon tool | O | O |
Star tool | S | S |
Polyline tool | W | W |
Line tool | L | L |
Eyedropper tool | I | I |
Gradient tool | G | G |
Text tool | T | T |
Hand tool | H | H |
Zoom tool | Z | Z |
Action | Windows | macOS |
Play/Pause | Spacebar | Spacebar |
Copy keyframes | Control + C | Command + C |
Cut keyframes | Control + X | Command + X |
Paste keyframes | Control + V | Command + V |
Paste keyframes reversed | Control + Alt + V | Command + Option + V |
Duplicate keyframes | Control + D | Command + D |
Duplicate keyframes reversed | Control + Alt + D | Command + Option + D |
Reverse keyframes | Control + R | Command + R |
Delete keyframes | Del | Backspace |